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Ganglia 3.6.1:Ganglia Meta Daemon v3.6.1 Configuration

This is an example of a Ganglia Meta Daemon configuration file

Setting the debug_level to 1 will keep daemon in the forground and show only error messages. Setting this value higher than 1 will make gmetad output debugging information and stay in the foreground.

  1. #default: 0
  2. debug_level 10

What to monitor. The most important section of this file.

The data_source tag specifies either a cluster or a grid to monitor. If we detect the source is a cluster, we will maintain a complete set of RRD databases for it, which can be used to create historical graphs of the metrics. If the source is a grid (it comes from another gmetad), we will only maintain summary RRDs for it.


  1. data_source "my cluster" [polling interval] address1:port addreses2:port ...

The keyword ‘data_source’ must immediately be followed by a unique string which identifies the source, then an optional polling interval in seconds. The source will be polled at this interval on average. If the polling interval is omitted, 15sec is asssumed.

If you choose to set the polling interval to something other than the default, note that the web frontend determines a host as down if its TN value is less than 4 * TMAX (20sec by default). Therefore, if you set the polling interval to something around or greater than 80sec, this will cause the frontend to incorrectly display hosts as down even though they are not.

A list of machines which service the data source follows, in the format ip:port, or name:port. If a port is not specified then 8649 (the default gmond port) is assumed. default: There is no default value

data_source “my cluster” 10 localhost data_source “my grid” 50 data_source “another source”

data_source “RT-SYS” localhost

Round-Robin Archives You can specify custom Round-Robin archives here (defaults are listed below)

Old Default RRA: Keep 1 hour of metrics at 15 second resolution. 1 day at 6 minute RRAs “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:244” “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:244” “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:168:244” “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:672:244”
“RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5760:374” New Default RRA Keep 5856 data points at 15 second resolution assuming 15 second (default) polling. That’s 1 day Two weeks of data points at 1 minute resolution (average) RRAs “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:5856” “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:4:20160” “RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:40:52704”

Scalability mode. If on, we summarize over downstream grids, and respect authority tags. If off, we take on 2.5.0-era behavior: we do not wrap our output in tags, we ignore all tags we see, and always assume we are the "authority" on data source feeds. This approach does not scale to large groups of clusters, but is provided for backwards compatibility. default: on scalable off

The name of this Grid. All the data sources above will be wrapped in a GRID tag with this name. default: unspecified gridname “MyGrid”

The authority URL for this grid. Used by other gmetads to locate graphs for our data sources. Generally points to a ganglia/ website on this machine. default: “http://hostname/ganglia/”, where hostname is the name of this machine, as defined by gethostname(). authority “”

List of machines this gmetad will share XML with. Localhost is always trusted. default: There is no default value trusted_hosts

If you want any host which connects to the gmetad XML to receive data, then set this value to “on” default: off all_trusted on

If you don’t want gmetad to setuid then set this to off default: on setuid off

User gmetad will setuid to (defaults to “nobody”) default: “nobody” etuid_username “ganglia”

Umask to apply to created rrd files and grid directory structure default: 0 (files are public) umask 022

The port gmetad will answer requests for XML default: 8651 xml_port 8651

The port gmetad will answer queries for XML. This facility allows simple subtree and summation views of the XML tree. default: 8652 interactive_port 8652

The number of threads answering XML requests default: 4 server_threads 10

Where gmetad stores its round-robin databases default: “/var/lib/ganglia/rrds” rrd_rootdir “/some/other/place”

List of metric prefixes this gmetad will not summarize at cluster or grid level. default: There is no default value unsummarized_metrics diskstat CPU

In earlier versions of gmetad, hostnames were handled in a case sensitive manner If your hostname directories have been renamed to lower case, set this option to 0 to disable backward compatibility. From version 3.2, backwards compatibility will be disabled by default. default: 1 (for gmetad < 3.2) default: 0 (for gmetad >= 3.2) ase_sensitive_hostnames 0

It is now possible to export all the metrics collected by gmetad directly to graphite by setting the following attributes.

The hostname or IP address of the Graphite server default: unspecified carbon_server “”

The port and protocol on which Graphite is listening default: 2003 carbon_port 2003

default: tcp carbon_protocol udp

Deprecated in favor of graphite_path A prefix to prepend to the metric names exported by gmetad. Graphite uses dot- separated paths to organize and refer to metrics. default: unspecified graphite_prefix “datacenter1.gmetad”

A user-definable graphite path. Graphite uses dot- separated paths to organize and refer to metrics. For reverse compatibility graphite_prefix will be prepended to this path, but this behavior should be considered deprecated. This path may include 3 variables that will be replaced accordingly: %s -> source (cluster name) %h -> host (host name) %m -> metric (metric name) default: graphite_prefix.%s.%h.%m graphite_path “datacenter1.gmetad.%s.%h.%m

Number of milliseconds gmetad will wait for a response from the graphite server default: 500 carbon_timeout 500

Memcached configuration (if it has been compiled in) Format documentation at default: “” memcached_parameters “–SERVER=”

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