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AI 系列:Fine-tuning


Work in Progress

This chapter is still being written & reviewed. Please do post links & discussion in the comments below, or open a pull request!

Some ideas:

For bespoke applications, models can be trained on task-specific data. However, training a model from scratch is seldom required. The model has already learned useful feature representations during its initial (pre) training, so it is often sufficient to simply fine-tune. This takes advantage of transfer learning, producing better task-specific performance with minimal training examples & resources – analogous to teaching a university student without first reteaching them how to communicate.


1.How Fine-Tuning Works#

  1. 预训练:Start with a pre-trained model that has been trained on a large generic dataset.

  2. 定义独立的分类层:Take this pre-trained model and add a new task-specific layer/head on top. For example, adding a classification layer for a sentiment analysis task.

  3. 冻结预训练的权重:Freeze the weights of the pre-trained layers so they remain fixed during training. This retains all the original knowledge.

  4. 训练自定义的独立分层的权重:Only train the weights of the new task-specific layer you added, leaving the pre-trained weights frozen. This allows the model to adapt specifically for your new task.

  5. 训练过程中,给出反馈/校正:Train on your new downstream dataset by passing batches of data through the model architecture and comparing outputs to true labels.

  6. 循环几次,每次启用部分预训练的分层权重,参与训练:After some epochs of training only the task layer, you can optionally unfreeze some of the pre-trained layers weights to allow further tuning on your dataset.

  7. 持续迭代,直到达到最佳权重:Continue training the model until the task layer and selected pre-trained layers converge on optimal weights for your dataset.


2.Fine-Tuning LLMs#



  1. 模型对某些主题缺乏知识:可以使用RAG来解决这个问题
  2. 模型的回应,没有用户期望的风格结构:这里可以使用微调少量提示的方法。

检索增强生成(Retrieval Augmented Generation,简称RAG)是一种人工智能技术,它结合了信息检索和生成模型,以生成与查询相关的文本或回答问题。RAG模型通常包括两个关键组件:

  1. 生成模型:这是一个语言生成模型,例如大型语言模型(LLM),它可以生成文本或回答问题。
  2. 检索模型:这是用于从大型文本数据库中,检索相关信息的模型。通常,它会根据查询,找到相关的文本段落或文档。


Fig. 52 Fine-Tuning LLMs#


Here are some examples of models that have been fine-tuned to generate content in a specific format/style:


检索增强生成(Retrieval Augmented Generation,简称RAG)是一种用于提高LLM准确性的方法,它通过将相关背景信息注入到LLM提示中来实现。

  1. 它通过连接到向量数据库,仅提取与用户查询最相关的信息。
  2. 使用这种技术,LLM将获得足够的背景知识,以适当地回答用户的问题而不会产生幻觉

RAG is not a part of fine-tuning, because it uses a pre-trained LLM and does not modify it in any way. However, there are several advantages to using RAG:

RAG 使得 LLMs 模型更易用,但是设置 RAG 有些繁琐,当前有很多开源项目(例如 run-llama/llama_index)在解决这个问题。

4.Fine-Tuning Image Models#

Fine tuning computer vision based models is a common practice and is used in applications involving object detection, object classification, and image segmentation.




  1. 同一对象的图像可以从多个角度、不同的光照条件、不同的背景等多个角度进行拍摄。
  2. 为了构建用于微调的健壮数据集,应考虑所有这些图像变化。

4.1.Fine-Tuning AI image generation models#

Fig. 53 Dreambooth Image Generation Fine-Tuning#

模型,例如 Stable Diffusion ,也可以通过微调来生成特定的图像。例如,通过提供宠物图片的数据集并对其进行微调,Stable Diffusion 模型可以生成特定宠物的各种风格的图像。


文本提示描述了每张图像的内容。在微调过程中,文本提示被传递到 Stable Diffusion 的文本编码器部分,而图像被传递到图像编码器。基于数据集中的这种文本-图像配对,模型学会生成与文本描述相匹配的图像。[140].

5.Fine-Tuning Audio Models#

Fig. 54 Audio Generation Fine-Tuning#

类似于微调图像生成模型, Whisper语音转文本模型也可以进行微调。与建立微调模型相关的关键点有两点数据:

  1. Audio recording,音频录制

  2. Audio transcription,音频转录




6.Importance of data#

Fig. 55 Data centric AI#

The performance of a fine-tuned model largely depends on the quality and quantity of training data.

For LLMs, the quantity of data can be an important factor when deciding whether to fine-tune or not. There have been many success stories of companies like Bloomberg [141], Mckinsey, and Moveworks that have either created their own LLM or fine-tuned an existing LLM which has better performance than ChatGPT on certain tasks. However, tens of thousands of data points were required in order to make these successful AI bots and assistants. In the Moveworks blog post, the fine-tuned model which surpasses the performance of GPT-4 on certain tasks, was trained on an internal dataset consisting of 70K instructions.

In the case of computer vision models, data quality can play a significant role in the performance of the model. Andrew Ng, a prominent researcher and entrepreneur in the field of AI, has been an advocate of data centric AI in which the quality of the data is more important than the sheer volume of data [142].

To summarise, fine-tuning requires a balance between having a large dataset and having a high quality dataset. The higher the data quality, the higher the chance of increasing the model’s performance.

Table 7 Estimates of minimum fine-tuning Hardware & Data requirements#

Model Task Hardware Data
LLaMA-2 7B Text Generation GPU: 65GB, 4-bit quantised: 10GB 1K datapoints
Falcon 40B Text Generation GPU: 400GB, 4-bit quantised: 50GB 50K datapoints
Stable Diffusion Image Generation GPU: 6GB 10 (using Dreambooth) images
YOLO Object Detection Can be fine-tuned on CPU 100 images
Whisper Audio Transcription GPU: 5GB (medium), 10GB (large) 50 hours

GPU memory for fine-tuning

Most models require a GPU for fine-tuning. To approximate the amount of GPU memory required, the general rule is around 2.5 times the model size. Note that quantisation to reduce the size tends to only be useful for inference, not training-fine-tuning. An alternative is to only fine-tune some layers (freezing and quantising the rest), thus greatly reducing memory requirements.

For example: to fine-tune a float32 (i.e. 4-byte) 7B parameter model:

7×109 params×4 B/param×2.5=70 GB


Fine-tuning models has been a common practice for ML engineers. It allows engineers to quickly build domain specific models without having to design the neural network from scratch.

Developer tools for fine-tuning continue to improve the overall experience of creating one of these models while reducing the time to market. Companies like Hugging Face are building open-source tools to make fine-tuning easy. On the commercial side, companies like Roboflow and Scale AI provide platforms for teams to manage the full life-cycle of a model.


  1. 利用在大量数据预训练的模型
  2. 冻结大多数参数
  3. 添加一个针对特定数据集定制的可调组件,并更新一些权重以使模型适应。


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